In the second half of the spring term term, primary schools had the chance to expose their pupils to some new experiences with a series of festivals and workshops at Carshalton Boys which included Climbing, Arrows and Tchoukball.
Climbing sessions challenged pupils to bouldering and traversing tasks. Good teamwork was required whilst working in pairs or small groups using equipment such hoops and balls. Great communication skills were also required to ensure success and safety. Whilst not on the wall, schools attempted some team building challenges, core exercises and a game of twister!
It was the turn of the Y3/4 age-group for Arrows. There were also other target games to experiment with, including different forms of darts and Velcro target games in order to keep everyone busy, motivated and maximising chances to achieve success.
The Tchoukball festival was hugely popular with teams learning some basic skills and rules from the CBSC Supremo Academy before trying out a series of coached games. Rules were adapted to accommodate primary level beginners. Attending staff were extremely impressed with the inclusive and fun nature of this sport. Watch this space for further opportunities in this sport.