The new academic year got off to a good start with a very well attended Secondary Heads of PE meeting, enabling new staff to be introduced and opportunities discussed for the year ahead. For the primary sector, we were fortunate to hold a fabulous subject lead meeting at the National Tennis Centre in Roehampton where LTA staff introduced the new Primary Youth Schools training course. The afternoon session was delivered by Hanna Miller who is the lead Ofsted Inspector for PE.
New contacts have been established with some local clubs who have very kindly offered to run some multi-sport festivals for 3 different primary age-groups; most notably Purley Sports Club and Sutton Tennis and Squash Club – the latter mentioned sport being a great hit with younger pupils. (Pardon the pun!)
Leadership training has once again been rolled out at both junior and senior levels, with the main Supremo Academies launched at St Philomena’s and Carshalton Boys. It is hoped that there will be plenty of volunteering opportunities for leaders during the year to add experience onto their CV’s.
A huge thanks to all schools who have, once again, offered to host events for both KS2 & KS3; without these generous offers, many events would not be able to go ahead. Particular mention must go to Sutton Grammar for hosting a very successful cross country, the male table tennis and sports hall athletics competitions.
We had great Sutton representation at the LYG Parliament Hill cross country in November. Most notable team achievements were the U’15 boys who came 1st and the U’13 girls who were runners up.
Congratulations to the following schools who won pathway competitions offered by the SGO during the Autumn term.
Male table tennis - U’13 – Wallington Boys, U’16 – Harris Academy
Male Sports Hall Athletics - Year 7 - Wallington Boys & Year 8 Sutton Grammar
Male Basketball – U’13 – Wallington Boys & U’16 Carshalton Boys
Y5/6 Tag Rugby – Finals to be arranged between CPF, CCJA, Cheam Fields and Manor Park
Y5/6 & Y3/4 Sports Hall Athletics – St Elphege’s
Y56/6 Girls Football – Stanley Park Junior School