It has been another brilliant year, full of positive experiences for everyone. The term started with our Primary Subject Lead conference, held jointly with Croydon SSP. The theme of 'levelling the playing field' was demonstrated through two fantastic key note speakers and a variety of workshops including extending swimming and water safety into the classroom and woven throughout the curriculum. Our gratitude extends to Sutton High School who's fabulous facilities made it a perfect venue.
Thank you to all our amazing teachers and school staff who have selected and prepared different sets pf pupils and brought them along to a whole host of events this year. It is our belief that we are now reaching a much wider range of young people with the Sutton SSP offer, and embedding lifelong active habits.
The summer term brought with it the usual summer LYG and Surrey Cricket pathway competitions. Congratulations to the following schools who won events. Westbourne - Y6 Girls Cricket & Y3/4 Red ball tennis, St Mary's - Y5/6 Primary Golf & Quad Kids, Cheam Park Farm - Y6 'Best' Cricket & Y5 Cricket.
In June saw in a new-style borough athletics. For the first time, the event took place on one day with large schools (3+form entry) in the morning and small schools (1-2 form entry) in the afternoon. There are still improvements to be made for next year, but overall the new format was deemed a much fairer way for schools to compete and an overall success. A huge thanks go to the small, but dedicated group of teachers who made this happen.
Browse through the collage of photos below and revisit some of the exciting activities that took place over the past few months.
We look forward to a hosting more exciting festivals and competitions next year!